Content Entry Tips

Here are some tips to help you enter content quicker throughout the site:

Use Two Browsers

We suggest that while you're entering content to keep two website browsers opened side by side. One browser contains the backend page that you're updating and the other contains the front end page. Doing this will allow you to refresh the live site in order to see if you like the changes you're making in the backend.

Quickly Making Edits in the Frontend

Quickly update modules in the front end of the site by doing the following:

  1. Login to the Backend
  2. Hit double tab the letter "B" on your Keyboard ( "BB" )
  3. A little bar will appear above each module on the page where you can select the "Edit" button on the entry you want to edit.
  4. When selected the entry in the backend will open up in order for you to make your edit.

    • Click here to access a visual reference.

Saving an Entry

When saving an open entry, rather than clicking the "Save" button at top, we recommend you select "Command + S" on your keyboard. This will apply the newly made edit and still keep you on the entry page. If you hit the actual "Save" button then the entry will save, but you'll be kicked back out to the list of pages once the entry is saved, which can get annoying if you still have more edits to make.

Duplicating a Page

If you need to make a new page that's similar to one that already exists we recommend doing the following in order to save time:

  1. In Craft backend, navigate to a similar page and open it.
  2. In the top right corner click the little, darker red, down arrow button next to the brighter red "Save" button.
  3. From the dropdown select the "Save as a new entry" option.
  4. A new entry will be created based on the similar entry.
  5. Update the "Title" and "Slug" of the new entry. Don't forget to update that "Slug" as it's easy to forget to do.

    • NOTE: Slugs MUST adhere to these rules in order to be valid:
      1. Don't place spaces or underlines in between words only dashes. (A dash must be present in between each word in order for it to be valid)
      2. Don't use any capital letters, only lowercase
      3. Don't use "&" or any other character symbol. If "&" appears in the "Title" either omit it or replace with a spelled-out version of "and" Here's an example of a good slug: lorem-and-ipsum Here's an example of a bad slug: Lorem &_ipsum
  6. Once the "Title" and "Slug" are updated hit the "Save" button in the top right hand corner of the entry.

  7. You can now continue to edit the entry with new content as usual.
    • Click here to access a visual reference

Local URLs

When referencing a local URL within a button, in-line link, etc. refrain from copying the entire URL which includes the homepage part of the link. For example, say you want to link to the "Lorem Ipsum" page on the "Sit Amet" page through a button. Rather than pasting this URL in the backend "" you would past in this URL "/lorem-ipsum"

Entry Versions

If you make a change to a page and wish that you hadn't, you can click on the "Current" dropdown next to the page title. This will bring up a list of versions of the page that were previously saved. If you click on the version that you want to revert to the entry will update with the previously saved content. To apply the chance click the "Revert entry to this version" button in gray in the upper right hand corner and you'll commit the change to the entry.

Previewing an Entry

In order to preview a newly created or edited entry select the "Share" button with the arrow next to it rather than clicking on "Live Preview". You can also select the little "Globe/World" Icon next to a page name or asset on the Entries or Assets overview pages.

Images & Other Assets: PDFs

To reference a PDF, Excel/Word Doc, etc. via a link on the site you need to upload it to the "Assets -> Downloads" section of Craft.

In order to quickly pull the URL to place in a Hyperlink field all you have to do is click the little "Globe/World" Icon in the row of the PDF and copy and paste everything past the website URL homepage.

Images & Other Assets: Updating an Asset

If an asset has been updated or needs to also be updated on the site you can quickly do so by doing the following (NOTE: For this to work be sure to keep the name the same as the existing asset):

  1. Go to the "Assets" section of Craft
  2. Upload your new asset
  3. In the lightbox that appears, select the "Replace It" radio button
  4. Select "OK"
  5. The asset will automatically be replaced anywhere it's referenced in the backend of the site and thus will appear as the new asset in the frontend

    • Click here to access a visual reference

Module Tricks

Below are some things at the module level that can help speed up your page editing and creation process.

Copying a Module or Modules

Sometimes you might already have a module on your page that you want to repeat further down the page, but with new copy, images, etc. Rather than adding a blank module and resetting all of the "Advanced" settings you can instead "Copy" it. In order to do this follow the steps below:

  1. Select the checkbox next to the name of the Module or Modules that you want to copy.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of the checked module or one of the checked modules.
  3. In the dropdown select "Copy"
  4. Go back to the gear icon in the top right corner of the checked module.
  5. In the dropdown select "Paste" Your copied module or modules will now appear at the bottom of the page below the entire module list.*
  6. If applicable, move the module to where you want it to appear on the page or keep it at the bottom if that's what you're after.

    • Click here to access a visual reference

      • Note: This is an annoying thing to happen when you have a really long page and you want to move the copied module in the center of it. It helps to "Collapse" a lot of the modules when you're trying to do this. See below about how to "Expand & Collapse All or Multiple Modules at Once," which also helps with this task.

Cloning a Module or Modules

Similar to the above, sometimes you might already have a module on a page that you want to repeat and change the content of, but you want it to appear on a new page or an already existing page. Rather than adding a blank module on your new/other page and resetting all of the "Advanced" settings you can instead "Clone" it. In order to do this follow the steps below:

  1. From the page containing your already made module, select the checkbox next to the name of the Module or Modules that you want to clone.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of the checked module or one of the checked modules.
  3. In the dropdown select "Clone."
  4. Navigate to the new or the other page where you want it to appear.
  5. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of any of the modules on that page.*
  6. In the dropdown select "Paste." Your copied module or modules will now appear at the bottom of the page below the entire module list.*
  7. If applicable, move the module to where you want it to appear on the page or keep it at the bottom if that's what you're after.

    • Click here to access a visual reference

      • Note 1: If you start off with a blank page you'll just need to add a random module on the page in order to have a gear to select the "Paste" option from. Once you've pasted in the other module(s) you can delete this random module from the page.
      • Note 2: Just like with "Copying" a module, this is an annoying thing to happen when you have a really long page and you want to move the copied module in the center of it. It helps to "Collapse" a lot of the modules when you're trying to do this. See below about how to "Expand & Collapse All or Multiple Modules at Once," which also helps with this task.

Deleting Multiple Modules at Once

Sometimes after you've duplicated a page there might be a slew of Modules that you want to keep and some that you don't. In order to quickly delete multiple modules at once you can do the following:

  1. Select the checkbox next to each Module's name.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of one of the module boxes.
  3. In the dropdown select "Delete"
  4. If an "Are You Sure..." pop-up appears select "Yes"

    • Click here to access a visual reference

Expanding & Collapsing All or Multiple Modules at Once

You can easily collapse and expand a stack of modules on a page in the backend by doing the following (this is helpful when reordering modules or if you have a really tall stack of them):

  1. Select the checkbox next to the Module's name.
  2. On your keyboard select "Command + A"
  3. All of the checkboxes below will become checked
  4. With all checkboxes still selects, select the gear icon in the top right corner of the module box.
  5. In the dropdown select "Collapse"
  6. All of the modules will collapse down
  7. To expand all of the images do the same as steps 1–4, but in the dropdown select "Expand" instead

    • Click here to access a visual reference

      • NOTE 1: For the above to work all of the modules either need to all be Expanded or all Collapsed. You can't have a mix of some Collapsed and some Expanded. Note 2**: Unfortunately to deselect all of the checkboxes you can't re-hit the "Command + A" key command on your keyboard. You have to manually uncheck all of the boxes, which does get annoying.