Rebar Module System


Rebar is a comprehensive system for content management with true modularity. It provides the infrastructure for rapid content generation using prebuilt blocks that only require content and configuration.


Module Matrix Block Fig 1: A text module.


Module Matrix Block Advanced Options Fig 2: A text module with the "Advanced options" panel expanded.


Module Config Options

Every module comes with configuration options that dictate the style of the infrastructure that wraps its content.

Module ID

Unique identifier for linking purposes, written lowercase with hyphens.

This is a text field for specifying the ID of the module, which is necessary in order to link to it directly.


Amount of additional top/bottom space outside/inside the module.

This is a set of four dropdowns for selecting the spacing values (Fig. 3–6).

OptionHeight (rem)Height (px)

Outer Top Spacing

Module Outer Top Spacing Options Fig. 3: Spacing is applied above the content, outside the bounds of the module.


Outer Bottom Spacing

Module Outer Bottom Spacing Options Fig. 4: Spacing is applied below the content, outside the bounds of the module.


Inner Top Spacing

Module Inner Top Spacing Options Fig. 5: Spacing is applied above the content, within the bounds of the module.


Inner Bottom Spacing

Module Inner Bottom Spacing Options Fig. 6: Spacing is applied below the content, within the bounds of the module.



Size of the module relative to the site container.

This is a dropdown field for selecting a width setting (Fig. 7).

AutoSame as site container
Auto ExtendedSame as site container with full-width background
SlimNarrower than site container
Slim ExtendedNarrower than site container with full-width background
WideWider than site container
Wide ExtendedWider than site container with full-width background


Module Width Options Fig. 7: Example width options.


Background Color

Color to display underneath the module's content.

This is a category field that pulls from a category group called "Background Colors". The benefit of using a category field is that colors can be added and removed at any time, and every module will automatically have the latest set of options.

Tip: When assigning a background color to a module, select "Width: Auto Extended, Slim Extended, or Wide Extended" in that module's "Advanced options" drop-down menu. This will ensure the background color spans the entire width of the page. (full-width background)

Background Image

Image to display underneath the module's content.

This is an asset field that allows the selection or upload of any image file.

Background Position

Alignment of the module's background image (if present).

This is a dropdown field for specifying how the background image should be cropped.

OptionCSS value
Top Lefttop left
Top Centertop center
Top Righttop right
Center Leftcenter left
Center Centercenter center
Center Rightcenter right
Bottom Leftbottom left
Bottom Centerbottom center
Bottom Rightbottom right