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Become a Member Today & Impact Children’s Health for a Lifetime

We’re celebrating so many achievements for our 10-year anniversary, and that includes celebrating people dedicated to our mission. We’ve been fortunate to have your support for a decade, and we’ve been able to make some real change in schools. However, our work is needed now more than ever.

We are working to repair a broken system, and it is not a quick fix. This is a continuous uphill battle, both legislatively (did you hear about the recent rollbacks to the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act?) and operationally (like getting buy-in from every level of a school district to invest in making big changes, when it’s far easier to stick with status quo).ff

Our new membership program will help expand and develop the next 10 years of school food reform. Joining as a member helps us plan for long-term programs, which means we can keep moving the needle forward on school food change.

“We know people are thankful for our work; we get notes and messages all the time about how our work has enabled their child or school to serve and eat fresh, healthier food,” says Mara Fleishman, CEO of the Chef Ann Foundation. “Membership provides an opportunity for our family of advocates to join in monthly to help us reach more schools.”

As thanks for contributing to our mission, we want to share a special curated culinary gift from Chef Ann; we hope you enjoy a few of her favorite things in your own kitchen, and remember the impact you are making on the health of children in our country.

Looking to the future, your membership impacts more than children in school today, but includes every generation thereafter. This membership program supports our future and our children’s future (and includes tools to cook healthy meals with your family for years to come). As always, thank you for fueling the healthy school food movement!

Sign up to become a member today!


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