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Boo! School Food Is Not Scary

Don't believe all the negative claims about healthy school lunches

If you’ve been paying attention to the school food debate this past year, you’ve noticed the consistent barrage of negative claims: “Kids hate healthier school meals.” “Cafeteria trash cans overflow with wasted food.” “Kids aren’t eating school lunch!” Journalist Kate Murphy tossed the latest stone with her recent – and misrepresentative – New York Times piece, “Why Students Hate School Lunches.

She did a bang-up job propagating popular misconceptions, while barely providing lip service to solutions that have resulted in healthier meals, happier kids and successful school food programs. As I was quoted in the article – staunchly in defense of current U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines and the changes they’ve brought about – I want to set the record straight...

Read the rest of the blog post: “Boo! School Food Is Not Scary” (U.S. News and World Report)


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