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Celebrities and the Public Unite to Support #RealSchoolFood

Making your next selfie count

Childhood Obesity is a national epidemic in this country. One third of our nation’s children are on track to get type II diabetes, primarily because of poor diets. Over 30 million children eat school lunch every day, and many of their meals are processed, heat-and-serve items. Imagine the impact if schools served real food that was cooked with healthy, nourishing ingredients?

Chef Ann Foundation (CAF), a leader in the fight for school food reform, launches #RealSchoolFood, a campaign to raise awareness for the need to transition our nation’s schools from serving processed, heat-and-serve food to healthy, scratch-cooked meals. For every person who participates, $1 will be donated towards the development of healthy school food recipes.

School lunch regulations are a good place to start, but they can only take us so far,” comments Chef Ann Cooper, Founder and President of the organization. “Big food companies are engineering processed products to meet federal guidelines, but a chicken nugget with whole-wheat breading does little to instill healthy eating habits. We need to be cooking from scratch with easy-to-use recipes based on fresh, whole ingredients. That way we ensure that kids receive the nourishment they need today and a taste for real food that leads to a lifetime of healthy eating.

Chef Jamie Oliver, campaign supporter and long time advocate for healthy school food says, “Over 30 million kids in the US eat school lunch every day – and they’re at school for more than ten years of their formative lives. That’s a massive opportunity to have a really positive impact on their wellbeing, setting them up for healthier, happier lives. It’s an absolute no-brainer for me that we should be feeding our kids at school with proper fresh food, cooked from scratch. Please join me in supporting Chef Ann Foundation’s #RealSchoolFood campaign and spreading this message.

As Congress continues to debate the fate of federally-regulated school lunch, Chef Ann Foundation is calling on school food advocates, chefs, celebrities, parents, and the general public to show their support for the #RealSchoolFood message by completing the following steps:

1. Snap a selfie while holding up a sign that reads “#realschoolfood”, like some of our celebrity supporters have done here: ​

2. Post the photo to your social media timelines (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with this suggested caption: It’s time school’s stopped serving highly processed, heat and serve food. I support #realschoolfood and so can you. Join Chef Ann Foundation’s campaign at

(***If posting to Facebook, make sure you make the post ‘public’ so that CAF can track it and count it towards a matched donation.***)

Don’t have time? Just share one of the #realschoolfood lunch photos or use the #realschoolfood hashtag in a post!

Mamma Chia, an organic chia-based foods company, will donate $1 towards healthy school food recipes for every person who posts using the #realschoolfood hashtag or shares a photo (up to 5,000 posts), so please help CAF spread the word and participate!

Celebrities from around the country are lending their support to the campaign by snapping their own #realschoolfood photos; CAF is calling on the whole country to get behind #realschoolfood. The more people who participate, the louder the message becomes, and the more likely that school food game changers and policy makers will take notice.

It’s time to stand up for the health of our nation’s children. Will you join us?

Any campaign related questions can be directed towards Emily Miller, campaign coordinator, at

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