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Farm Camp

Cure Farm’s camp is run by two staff members who spend their summer coming up with fun activities, guiding the kids in making their own lip balm out of wax from the farm bees, teaching campers how to cook with the vegetables and fruits they have harvested, and patiently answering question after question about life on a farm.

It is apparent that there is a lot of passion at Cure Farm for sharing the farm life with community children. It is important to the Cure family to share what they are doing with the community, especially the children who will eventually grow up and make their own food decisions. When experiencing life on this farm, it is obvious the campers will carry the knowledge they gain with them for the rest of their lives. As camp counselor Caroline Stewart mentioned, “…they will never look at an egg the same way again.”

The chance to live the farm life for a week can change lives. You can tell that the children who get to experience Farm Camp will be all the better for their experience. Allowing children the chance to connect with food can have extremely beneficial consequences and perhaps these experiences will lead to monumental changes for the future of food.

If we expose children to better food – food that is more sustainably grown and raised, chemical and antibiotic free, and eaten close to its sources – we have the chance to reverse trends in our food culture that seem very deeply seeded and unavoidable. The future is in our children’s hands – let’s get them working on a farm!


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