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Great News First, Then More Great Salad Bar News!

The Food Family Farming Foundation and Whole Foods Market have been working together to offer salad bar grants throughout the United States with great success. Last fall, Whole Foods Market customers united around the cause of bringing salad bars to schools in their communities and over one million individuals donated $1.4 million in three weeks!

Salad bars purchased through those efforts are starting to arrive in schools already! We just got a lovely thank you note from one of the schools and wanted to share it:

“I want to take this opportunity to thank “Great American Salad Bar Project” and Whole Foods for the wonderful (grant) donation here at Fairmount School in Hackensack N.J. I have enclosed some pictures from the opening, as you can see the kids and staff had a fantastic day as we were able to serve lots of fresh fruits and veggies not always made available through the lunch program. The donation will allow Chartwells School Dining to spend the money saved from the salad bar on more fresh fruits and vegetables for the remainder of the school year.

I was wondering if it’s at all possible to ask for 3 more salad bars since there are 3 more elementary schools in Hackensack. The students would benefit greatly from this opportunity. Each school has more than 60% free and reduced. The addition of the salad bars would benefit each one of these kids as we move forward with the new initiatives from the Bureau of Child Nutrition. Once again, thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!”

The great news is that they are already putting the salad bar to use and the other great news is that YES, they can apply for more salad bars through and use a district application to make it even simpler. We’ve had a steady flow of applicants since Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools launched in January 2011 and we hope for many more so we can reach our goal of 6,000 salad bars in three years.

Happy Healthy Eating To You All!


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