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Lunchbox October Hero: Melanie Potock - My Munch Bag and Dancing Kid

Our hero for the month of October is Melanie Potock, creator of the website, My Munch Bug and the children’s CD “Dancing in the Kitchen.” This inspirational and passionate woman nominated our September Hero, Joan Huntsberry Langford. Then about a week later a beautiful letter from Melanie’s daughter showed up in our inbox!

Read on for more information about the valuable work Melanie contributes to her community through her work with children with feeding disorders and her contributions to us all through the amazing CD “Dancing in the Kitchen”, which I might add is now being considered for a Grammy award!*

When I walk into my mom’s home office, the collage of Thank You cards is an immediate testament to the number of lives she has touched. They are all handwritten and generally include a few backwards letters if written by a child under the age of seven. As a certified speech language pathologist specializing in assessing and treating feeding disorders, my mom has worked with children for as long as I can remember. Her caseload varies, but “Miss Mel,” as her clients often call her, works with children who face various challenges that inhibit them from comfortably eating food. Her talent as a professional is obvious from the number of families she has helped, but with 22 years of experience as her daughter, I consider myself a reliable witness to something just as important - the remarkable size of her heart.

From toddlers lacking oral motor capabilities to children transitioning from a g-tube or on the autism spectrum, Miss Mel works with various children and families to provide a privilege that is almost always mistaken for an everyday right – the simple ability to sit down and enjoy eating food. Most of us are downright lucky to be able to enjoy a meal over conversation with our families and friends. How often did I take for granted the ability to sit and enjoy lunch with my friends in a school cafeteria? Well, I guess for my whole life! Moreover, for many kids, working with Miss Mel is the beginning of the ability to gain proper nutrients through eating a healthy diet. While a healthy diet starts in some families with the kids learning to eat their vegetables, in others it starts with the child learning to comfortably lick a Cheerio or stick it to their tongue.

Read on for more information about the valuable work Melanie contributes to her community through her work with children with feeding disorders and her contributions to us all through the amazing CD “Dancing in the Kitchen”, which I might add is now being considered for a Grammy award!*

When I walk into my mom’s home office, the collage of Thank You cards is an immediate testament to the number of lives she has touched. They are all handwritten and generally include a few backwards letters if written by a child under the age of seven. As a certified speech language pathologist specializing in assessing and treating feeding disorders, my mom has worked with children for as long as I can remember. Her caseload varies, but “Miss Mel,” as her clients often call her, works with children who face various challenges that inhibit them from comfortably eating food. Her talent as a professional is obvious from the number of families she has helped, but with 22 years of experience as her daughter, I consider myself a reliable witness to something just as important - the remarkable size of her heart.

From toddlers lacking oral motor capabilities to children transitioning from a g-tube or on the autism spectrum, Miss Mel works with various children and families to provide a privilege that is almost always mistaken for an everyday right – the simple ability to sit down and enjoy eating food. Most of us are downright lucky to be able to enjoy a meal over conversation with our families and friends. How often did I take for granted the ability to sit and enjoy lunch with my friends in a school cafeteria? Well, I guess for my whole life! Moreover, for many kids, working with Miss Mel is the beginning of the ability to gain proper nutrients through eating a healthy diet. While a healthy diet starts in some families with the kids learning to eat their vegetables, in others it starts with the child learning to comfortably lick a Cheerio or stick it to their tongue.

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that my mom will go to in order to better her clients’ lives. Even after leaving a client’s home, it is impossible to leave her passion at the door. She is regularly on the phone or emailing with parents, offering her full support. The back of her Prius is never without a toy, game, or odd-looking therapy spoon for the child in need. After beginning her own practice and business, called “My Munch Bug,” and accurately coining the phrase “For the Love of Food,” my mom has not stopped for a single moment in her effort to improve the lives of children with feeding disorders. She recently published a book, Happy Mealtimes with Happy Kids and teamed up with Joan Langford, acclaimed singer and songwriter, to produce “Dancing in the Kitchen,” a CD with original songs celebrating the joy of food.

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that my mom will go to in order to better her clients’ lives. Even after leaving a client’s home, it is impossible to leave her passion at the door. She is regularly on the phone or emailing with parents, offering her full support. The back of her Prius is never without a toy, game, or odd-looking therapy spoon for the child in need. After beginning her own practice and business, called “My Munch Bug,” and accurately coining the phrase “For the Love of Food,” my mom has not stopped for a single moment in her effort to improve the lives of children with feeding disorders. She recently published a book, Happy Mealtimes with Happy Kids and teamed up with Joan Langford, acclaimed singer and songwriter, to produce “Dancing in the Kitchen,” a CD with original songs celebrating the joy of food.

Having had the privilege of 22 years as her daughter, I can’t possibly describe the pride that I feel to have been brought up by such a remarkable woman. She has not only taught me, but also countless families, the importance of patience, faith, and of course, the love of food!

Thanks, Carly for writing this great blog about your mom! We are honored to feature her as one of our Lunch Box Heroes.

And of course, if YOU know of a Lunch Box hero in your neck of the woods - let us know about it!


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