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Speak Up For Better School Meals!

We’re happy to feature this letter from Jamie Oliver to help spread the news about his letter writing campaign to let the USDA know we all care about the quality of school meals and the health of children:

Did you know that every day, millions of kids eat highly processed foods for breakfast and lunch at school, when the best source of the nutrition they need is fresh, whole foods?

New legislation for school food that passed last fall means we have a huge opportunity to get better, healthier meals at school. But some powerful interests believe that the current meals are good enough and don’t want the system to change. There is a risk that the improved school meal standards which the USDA has drafted will get watered down unless they hear from the public.

I just took action and submitted a comment to the USDA in support of more fresh, real food in schools - will you join me in doing the same?

The USDA is asking the public to weigh in on their proposal to put more fresh, real food in schools and limit some of the junk, but not everyone thinks that we can afford to improve school meals this way. We need a strong show of support to make sure these changes are the start to a Food Revolution in America’s school cafeterias. You can take action here and the Food Revolution will deliver your comments - it only takes a moment!


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