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Your Action Needed Now to Help Push Healthy School Food Changes through Congress!

We all have our own ideas of what the perfect school lunch looks like and we all want children across the nation to be offered healthy choices on a daily basis. But these ideals cannot happen overnight.

The USDA has set forth some basic standards (with the help of the Institute of Medicine (IOM)) to assist us in reaching these ultimate goals. Meals should include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as less saturated fat and sodium.

And while this seems like common sense – not everyone is on board. Some members of congress are campaigning against these changes because they think it is too costly and do not believe healthier meals in schools are a top priority.

But there is still time! Help be a part of this huge change in making healthy school food a reality by talking to your congressmen and letting them know how you feel about the new standards the IOM and USDA have presented.

The Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Action Center (a collaboration between The Pew Charitable Trusts and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) has created an easy form to fill out to be sure your voice is heard. You can find the form here. You can read more about the campaign here.

Everyone can make a difference – the time is now. Take a couple of minutes to help push real and healthy change!

Thanks! Crew


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