Spinach with Sesame Dressing
Spinach, at its peak in the summer, is available fresh and local all year in most areas across the country, which makes this recipe a year-round favorite. Asian flavors add a pizzazz kids love. This spinach can be eaten hot is also good packed as part of a nutritious lunch and eaten at room temperature.
- 1 pound fresh spinach, washed
- 1 teaspoon raw sugar
- 2 teaspoons soy sauce
- 1 ½ tablespoons sesame seeds
- 3 Tablespoons dashi
- In a pot fitted with a vegetable steamer steam spinach until soft and bright green. Remove from the pot and chop roughly.
- Toast sesame seeds over medium heat in a dry sauté pan, tossing frequently to avoid burning, and place in a mortar. Add sugar and mash slightly with the pestle.
- Add soy sauce and dashi and mix well.
- Pour dressing over spinach and toss to mix.

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