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School Food Advocacy Toolkit

Welcome to the School Food Advocacy Toolkit! This toolkit was created for interested parents, caregivers, family members, and interested community members, like you, so that you can feel empowered with the information you need to work with your child’s school to create lasting change in the access to healthy food.

You’ll notice that the toolkit is divided into four sections: get educated, get organized, get support, and take action. Each step has been carefully crafted to help you navigate the ins and outs of creating an advocacy group. Each step can be viewed on our website, and you can also download a pdf with this information to save to your desktop or bring to any in-person meetings. We’re glad to have you here to join in the movement of making food choices at school healthier!

Note: This toolkit is intended for use with schools that are meeting in-person. COVID has drastically changed some school districts’ food operations; however, schools must still follow pre-set guidelines like the HHFKA and CNA. For the most up-to-date info on current regulations and operations, visit the USDA’s page

Step 1: Get Educated

Knowledge is power! We’ve seen firsthand how information about healthy food and cooking can change entire school communities, but it starts with you understanding how to navigate the system and where to focus on change. This section will empower you with the background information to build your confidence so that you can effectively take action.

Step 1: Get Educated

Knowledge is power! We’ve seen firsthand how information about healthy food and cooking can change entire school communities, but it starts with you understanding how to navigate the system and where to focus on change. This section will empower you with the background information to build your confidence so that you can effectively take action.

Step 2: Get Organized

This section provides the nuts and bolts for forming and starting your advocacy group. You’ll find suggestions for running meetings, an example meeting agenda, and ongoing conversation topics here.

Step 2: Get Organized

This section provides the nuts and bolts for forming and starting your advocacy group. You’ll find suggestions for running meetings, an example meeting agenda, and ongoing conversation topics here.

Step 3: Get Support

In order for your advocacy group to be effective, it’s important to get buy-in and partner with the decision makers for your school or district. This section provides guidance on who to communicate with, how to prepare for district meetings, and challenges that your group may experience.

Step 3: Get Support

In order for your advocacy group to be effective, it’s important to get buy-in and partner with the decision makers for your school or district. This section provides guidance on who to communicate with, how to prepare for district meetings, and challenges that your group may experience.

Step 4: Take Action

By following steps one through three, your advocacy group is ready to get to work and take action on your priority areas. This section has suggested programs to consider, school-wide and classroom-based activities, as well as links to funding opportunities that could support your efforts.

Step 4: Take Action

By following steps one through three, your advocacy group is ready to get to work and take action on your priority areas. This section has suggested programs to consider, school-wide and classroom-based activities, as well as links to funding opportunities that could support your efforts.

Tools for Home

Our relationship with food starts at home - and healthy food can be fun! We’ve gathered a few educational resources to start your family’s food journey, like easy delicious home recipes and a meal wheel for kids.

Tools for Home

Our relationship with food starts at home - and healthy food can be fun! We’ve gathered a few educational resources to start your family’s food journey, like easy delicious home recipes and a meal wheel for kids.


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