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Financials & Annual Reports

The Chef Ann Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that receives funding from individuals, corporate, public and private sources. If you’d like to support our work, please donate here.

At the Chef Ann Foundation, we ensure kids have access to fresh, healthy scratch cooked food in schools thanks to supporters like you. It is paramount to us that every dollar you donate is used as effectively, efficiently, and transparently. Below, you’ll find annual reports filled with stories of impact, audited financial statements, and tax forms. We are grateful for your diligence; please read through these reports to learn more and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

To join our amazing supporters to help provide schools and districts with the resources they need to serve healthier food, please see our donation page.


Check out our 2022 Annual Report in the digital viewer, or view our related documents below.


Check out our 2021 Annual Report in the digital viewer, or view our related documents below.


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