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Juni Elston


Senior Coordinator of Assessment

Juni joined the Chef Ann Foundation in 2021 and works on the Programs team as a Senior Coordinator of Assessment. They believe that addressing school food is a powerful avenue for systems change and that every child deserves access to healthy, tasty food that affirms their value and enriches their mind.

Juni Elston


Senior Coordinator of Assessment

Juni joined the Chef Ann Foundation in 2021 and works on the Programs team as a Senior Coordinator of Assessment. They believe that addressing school food is a powerful avenue for systems change and that every child deserves access to healthy, tasty food that affirms their value and enriches their mind.

Juni studied Environmental Science at the University of Texas in Austin, where she managed the on-campus farm, conducted plate-waste studies in university dining halls, and received a grant to implement an on-campus farmer’s market that is still bringing fresh local foods to UT students today. Upon returning from a year-long working-holiday in New Zealand, Juni began working in the Food Service Department at Austin Independent School District as an Executive Assistant, where she learned the ins and outs of school food finance and operations. Juni has a passion for art, community building, and swimming in natural waterways. Juni and their partner Donni are new parents and enjoy spending as much time as they can with their baby, Marceline.

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Who We Are

The Chef Ann Foundation is dedicated to promoting whole-ingredient, scratch-cooking in schools. Scratch-cooking enables schools to serve the healthiest, tastiest meals so that kids are well-fed and ready to learn.

Our Mission

Ensure that school food professionals have the resources, funding and support they need to provide fresh, healthy, delicious, cook from scratch meals that support the health of children and our planet.

Why School Food Matters

American kids start their life-path in K–12 schools where they learn the skills necessary to thrive & meet their potential. While the country debates the best ways to teach them math, science & English, we spend little to no time on food & nutrition.


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