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Mara Fleishman


Chief Executive Officer

Mara Fleishman’s career in food systems advocacy started in her early 20’s when she looked to the power of food after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Mara has over 20 years of experience in leading systems change initiatives in the for-profit and non-profit sectors including over a decade at Whole Foods Market where she served as Global Director of Partnerships.

Mara Fleishman


Chief Executive Officer

Mara Fleishman’s career in food systems advocacy started in her early 20’s when she looked to the power of food after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Mara has over 20 years of experience in leading systems change initiatives in the for-profit and non-profit sectors including over a decade at Whole Foods Market where she served as Global Director of Partnerships.

In Mara’s current role, CEO of the Chef Ann Foundation, she has spent the last 10 years fighting for healthier food for our nation’s kids. Mara’s niche is system-based change and although she takes on many roles as a leader, her favorite is programmatic engineering; breaking down problems to their foundation and building programmatic solutions through dynamic and integrated approaches. This type of programmatic engineering can be seen through the work of the Chef Ann Foundation, an organization recognized as the national leader in driving fresh, healthy scratch cook food in schools.

Mara also serves on regional and national boards, has spoken at conferences and academic institutions across the country, and has been recognized in publications as a champion and national advocate for change.

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Who We Are

The Chef Ann Foundation is dedicated to promoting whole-ingredient, scratch-cooking in schools. Scratch-cooking enables schools to serve the healthiest, tastiest meals so that kids are well-fed and ready to learn.

Our Mission

Ensure that school food professionals have the resources, funding and support they need to provide fresh, healthy, delicious, cook from scratch meals that support the health of children and our planet.

Why School Food Matters

American kids start their life-path in K–12 schools where they learn the skills necessary to thrive & meet their potential. While the country debates the best ways to teach them math, science & English, we spend little to no time on food & nutrition.


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